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The Sister Witch Company

Large Raw Lepodilite Pieces

Large Raw Lepodilite Pieces

Regular price $34.00 CAD
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As a renowned mood stabilizer in the world of crystals, Lepidolite boasts a high concentration of lithium, which is also found in anti-anxiety medication. Without the need for a prescription, this stone promotes a sense of calm and tranquility during stressful and chaotic times. By harnessing the healing properties of Lepidolite, one can achieve balance of the mind and spirit, especially when feeling overwhelmed by the negative effects of stress and anxiety. This crystal heightens awareness of one's current state, allowing for a step back from future worries and past stressors. Through focusing on the present moment and returning to the breath, the soothing energy of Lepidolite aids in finding solutions to address the root cause of stress instead of being consumed by it. This stone's ultra-soothing vibration also makes it a valuable tool for promoting relaxation and a restful sleep.


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