Llewellyn's 2025 Witch's Calendar
Llewellyn's 2025 Witch's Calendar
- Strengthen Your Magical Connection to the Wheel of the Year -
Packed with astrological data, Witches' holidays, magical wisdom, rituals, spells, and all kinds of helpful tips and hints, this beautiful calendar is the perfect adornment for any space that's frequented by magical people. Each month features gorgeous, original artwork by Jennifer Hewitson as well as an article or spell that is sure to inspire and delight.
Work on incubation ritual at the New Year to usher in something new. Draw upon the Blue Moon to build energy through the anticipation of something special. Use tarot cards to select a Lord of Misrule at a party. The passage of time is sacred, and this calendar - the first choice for Witches and Pagans for more than 20 years - is a charming way to stay connected to this most primal energy.